Shelby Maddox

Administrative and Billing Coordinator

Shelby is a native to the Shenandoah Valley and graduated from Spotwood High School as well as graduating from the National College of Harrisonburg in Pharmacy Technician. She later received Certification for Basic Physical Therapy Billing, Certificate in Conflict Resolution, Certificate in Communication Skills, and Certificate in Excel training.

She started with us as a Patient Care Facilitator and has moved up to the Administrative & Billing Coordinator due to her attention to detail and love of numbers and systems. She is passionate about helping people to understand their insurance, as well as skillfully scheduling to their needs. Her attention to detail and patient focus are a great combo for helping Synergy’s patients.

Shelby has 3 wonderful kids, 2 sons, and a daughter. She and Tony met 20 yrs ago as friends and are currently planning their wedding. She enjoys being with family and friends. Activities she enjoys are reading, being outdoors in the mountains, playing video games, music and being with family and friends.

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