Are You In Need of Physical Therapy? These 5 Signs Say Yes

Physical Therapy Can Help You Find the Relief You’ve Been Looking For!

Physical therapy is a highly beneficial form of treatment that can address many of the most common sources of pain.

However, there are many people who don’t realize that the pain they are experiencing is something that can be easily addressed with physical therapy.

Our innovative care strategies at Synergy Rehab & Wellness will help you find quick relief. If you are experiencing any of the five common symptoms listed here, then it may be time to consult with a physical therapist as far as the best ways to address your pain and discomfort.

1. Headaches

Regular, recurring headaches are another complaint that can be addressed with physical therapy.

In many situations, chronic headaches are a sign of tension in the neck and back, and therefore working with a physical therapist through targeted stretching and massage can in many cases actually reduce the occurrence and severity of these headaches.

2. Back pain

Back pain is one of the biggest causes of pain among American adults, and there are far too many who struggle with back pain who are not doing anything about it.

The reason for the increase in back pain can be blamed on all sorts of different environmental factors, from rising obesity rates to a dependence on computer-based office work that leaves adults in uncomfortable chairs for hours on end, day after day.

Physical therapy can help to address the cause of your back pain, and help to alleviate tension in the back, thereby actually reducing the experience of pain.

3. Neck pain

Neck pain can develop for a series of reasons, including following an injury or car accident, but also as a result of poor posture — and that includes your posture while you are asleep, as well as awake.

Neck pain can be difficult to cope with and treat, and attempting to treat neck pain on your own isn’t always safe.

An experienced physical therapist can identify the cause of your neck pain and create a treatment program that will alleviate your experience of pain.

4. Joint pain

Joint pain can develop as a result of arthritis, or as a lasting effect of an injury. The best way to deal with joint pain is to seek support through physical therapy.

Your joints are something that you can’t really work around, and in more cases than not, attempting to rely on another part of your body to reduce pain in your joints will only lead you to experience multiple areas of pain.

5. Difficulty with movement

There is a long list of reasons as to why someone may be unable to move as effectively or efficiently as they could in the past.

In many cases, stroke victims will find themselves unable to take regular steps and walk as they once were able to do, and even after the pain subsides, the difficulty moving may remain.

Likewise, those who struggle with an athletic related injury are often prone to having limited range of motion — and this is especially true following surgical repair of muscle tissue and tendons.

Physical therapy can help you to retrain your body for traditional movement.

A physical therapist can tell you why you’re experiencing pain

Your first visit with a physical therapist will involve a conversation about your symptoms and medical history, as well as some simple tests. Be prepared to answer questions about past injuries that may be contributing to your current aches and pains.

Your diet, exercise routine and daily activities will also be discussed. This is to give your therapist an idea of the possible cause or causes of your aches and pains.

You will then be given a series of tests, based on your description of your symptoms. These will involve posture and range of motion exercises, and possibly some strength and resistance tests.

When your therapist knows where you are experiencing aches and pains and has determined the likely causes, your personalized physical therapy treatment plan will be drawn up.

According to ChoosePT, the 4 ways physical therapists help you relieve pain include:

  • Exercise
  • Manual therapy
  • Education
  • Teamwork

We can help determine the root cause of your pain and treat it at its source. Contact us today to learn more!

Contact us for relief!

These are just five of the most common symptoms that can be addressed with physical therapy, but the list goes on and on.

Whether you are experiencing pain following a car accident or sports injury, or have realized that the pain in your back or neck has become more constant than you first expected it to be, it may be time to consult with a physical therapist as to the best way to deal with your pain.

Contact Synergy Rehab and Wellness to set up a consultation.

Pain and Inflammation Could Be a Thing of the Past with Diet Changes!

Did You Know a Nutritional Diet Could Help You Beat Your Pain?

Are you experiencing pain and inflammation in your joints? Many people may not realize that nutrition can play a crucial role in preventing and even eliminating these conditions in the body.

It’s important to understand what pain and inflammation are, the causes and symptoms, and how both nutrition and physical therapy can help.

Our innovative care strategies at Synergy Rehab and Wellness will help you find quick relief. Contact Synergy Rehab and Wellness regarding how we can help treat your pain and inflammation.

What’s the cause of my pain and inflammation?

Inflammation is the body’s natural response when it’s trying to heal or protect itself. This, of course, is usually a good thing.

Inflammation is harmful when it becomes a chronic condition. Pain and inflammation are often connected.

According to Harvard Health, chronic inflammation can also lead to a variety of health ailments such as heart disease and diabetes.

What can I do about my pain and inflammation?

Nutrition can play a major role in how much pain and inflammation you struggle with. You may be eating foods that contribute to increased inflammation throughout the body. There are several types of foods that are known to cause inflammation.

The following are those most often consumed that can contribute to these conditions:

  • Processed Meats – Smoked meats, sausage, and bacon are normally processed and contain high amounts of sodium. Eating these foods can increase inflammation.
  • Added Sugar – Foods that have added sugar that isn’t naturally occurring can increase inflammation. Regular table sugar and corn syrup with high-fructose are the two main types of added sugar.
  • White Bread & Pasta – These refined carbs are often referred to as “empty calories” and can cause excessive weight gain, which can lead to inflammation.

Even what you drink can affect pain and inflammation. Soda is one of the worst culprits. Most sodas not only contain lots of sugar but unhealthy preservatives such as sodium benzoate. Excessive amounts of alcohol should also be avoided.

In addition to avoiding or limiting certain foods, there are many healthy foods you should include in your diet:

  • Fish – Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can naturally reduce inflammation. Salmon, cod, tuna, bass, and halibut are all great choices.
  • Garlic – By itself garlic may not be very appetizing, but it can add flavor to countless dishes. Garlic contains diallyl disulfide, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Beans – Try pinto, garbanzo, red, or black beans. They’re all good for easing inflammation and are also good sources of protein and fiber.

There are several symptoms associated with inflammation. These often include swelling, redness, joint pain and stiffness.

If you’re suffering from pain and inflammation changing your diet could improve your muscles, joints, and overall health.

Pairing physical therapy with nutrition

While changing your diet is a good start, it may not be enough to eliminate ongoing inflammation and pain. Physical therapy may be able to help reduce or even eliminate the pain you’re experiencing.

There are several methods a physical therapist may use. A few techniques could include manual therapies, dry needling, or even ultrasound treatments.

More basic methods might include using heat or ice therapy. A physical therapist may even give you stretching and motion exercises you can do at home.

Say goodbye to your pain

You would be surprised to find out that many still are unaware of the relationship between a healthy body and good eating habits. The benefits of this lifestyle have been proven time and time again as an efficient and surgery and prescription free way of treatment.

Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects multiple parts of the body, wearing down cartilage at the ends of bones causing them to rub against each other. It’s the most common form of arthritis and millions of people struggle with it everyday.

According to a study conducted in 2014, evidence collected during it suggested that patients with Osteoarthritis benefited from an improved diet and exercise, helping to alleviate the pain in overweight and obese patients.

Healthier living should always begin with physical therapy, people who can recommend the right steps and directions to take to help you achieve a healthier body.

This can include them giving you the tools and advice you need to, or a referral to a dietitian or someone else who can help.

Ready to find relief?

Closely watching what you eat and drink may be able to dramatically decrease the pain and inflammation you experience. The American Physical Therapy Association states that there is an obvious link between nutrition and pain.

Physical therapy may also help as well. Make sure to find a physical therapist that has experience specifically treating pain and inflammation.

Call Synergy Rehab and Wellness today to receive more information.

The Top 5 Benefits of Physical Therapy Treatments for Back and Neck Pain

Back and neck pain can have several underlying causes. For example, any changes in the spine’s anatomy can lead to back pain, such as lumbar degenerative disc disease, lumbar disc herniation, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or osteoarthritis.

Lumbar degenerative disc disease occurs when the spinal discs experience “wear and tear,” typically due to aging. When the gel-like interior of the discs leak, irritation can occur causing lumbar disc herniation. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction happens when the sacroiliac joint has too much or too little motion, and osteoarthritis happens when the facet joints in the spine wear down and create friction.

Neck pain is most commonly caused by a muscle strain. This can occur in various ways such as whiplash, poor posture, or abnormal sleeping positions. Neck pain can also be caused due to cervical degenerative disc disease, cervical osteoarthritis, or a cervical herniated disc. 

The pain associated with these conditions can range from moderate to severe, but physical therapy can luckily help ease most (if not all) of the pain. If you are suffering from back or neck pain, call Synergy Rehab and Wellness to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled physical therapists, and find out how physical therapy treatments can benefit you.

How will I be diagnosed?

If you’re experiencing back or neck pain, it is important to consult with your primary doctor right away. He or she will most likely perform a physical exam, and may want to take some x-rays or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test. With an MRI, your doctor will be able to clearly see your soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels, which can provide evidence of where your back or neck pain is stemming from. Once this is determined, your doctor will suggest a course of treatment, which will likely include physical therapy. 

Back pain and neck pain can lead to a loss of productivity, and it is a common cause for disability. Because of this, it is important to seek the assistance of a medical professional immediately if you are suffering from back or neck pain. 

How will physical therapy relieve my pain?

Physical therapy is an effective treatment for both back and neck pain. The goals and expected outcomes of these treatments include:

  1. Reduction of pain and stiffness. By using passive treatments such as manual therapy, our physical therapist will help alleviate pain in the affected area and accelerate the healing process.
  2. Development of strength. Our physical therapist will create a specific exercise plan for your particular needs, which will aid in the strengthening of muscles in the affected area.
  3. Improvement of range of motion. Our physical therapist will implement flexibility exercises into your treatment plan, which will help increase the range of motion in your back and neck. 
  4. Prevention of further issues. By learning proper body mechanics, you can avoid future injuries and prevent pain from recurring.
  5. Improvement of overall quality of life. Physical therapy can help you return to your normal routine much quicker, allowing for an overall improvement in the quality of life. 

Your physical therapy treatments will be split into two categories: passive and active. Passive physical therapy treatments for back and neck pain may include ice and heat therapies, massage therapy, electrotherapy, or ultrasound. These help in relieving pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Active physical therapy treatments for back and neck pain may include any stretches and exercises that our physical therapist deems fit for your specific condition. Active therapy helps to increase strength and flexibility, in addition to relieving pain in the spine and affected muscles. 

Why wait to begin your physical therapy treatments? Give our office a call today and begin your journey toward long-lasting pain relief!

Improve Your Nutrition to Decrease Pain and Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural process the body uses to protect itself and to promote healing. During the inflammation process, your body increases its production of white blood cells. Chronic inflammation, however, can damage the body. Living with continual inflammation can cause pain, swelling, and redness in the affected areas. It can also increase your risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and stroke. There are several ways you can improve your nutrition and decrease pain and inflammation. Contact Synergy Rehab and Wellness today!

There are several ways that good nutrition can decrease pain and inflammation

Foods that can cause Inflammation and should be avoided or limited include the following:

  • Red Meat – Healthy, lean protein is a crucial component when creating a diet to reduce pain and inflammation. Protein builds muscle and cartilage. Red meat, especially meats that are processed, can lead to increased inflammation. Chicken is often considered neutral, while many types of fish actually fight pain and inflammation in the body.
  • Refined Carbohydrates – Refined carbs include grains that have had most of the fiber and nutrients taken out. Pasta, pastries, white bread, and white flour are all refined carbs that should be eliminated or eaten rarely.
  • Soda – Soda can increase levels of uric acid. This often causes an increase in inflammation and even insulin resistance. Drinking water or tea in place of soda will not only help reduce pain and inflammation, but may also help you shed a few pounds.
  • Fried Foods – Everything from fried chicken to deep-fried veggies can contribute to inflammation. Eat your veggies raw, steamed, or baked for the most health benefits.

Foods that Can Help Reduce Inflammation

  • Olive Oil – Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat that tastes great and can help reduce inflammation. Make sure to select olive oil that is extra virgin in order to receive the most health benefits. Olive oil that is real extra virgin should solidify after it is refrigerated.
  • Fatty Fish – Wild-caught salmon, sardines, and mackerel are great sources of Omega-3s, which can fight inflammation. They may even limit stiffness in the joints that is sometimes associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Leafy Vegetables – Almost all fruits and vegetables contain what is called phytonutrients that can help fight inflammation.
  • Green Tea – Green tea is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. It’s recommended to use water that’s not higher in temperature than 160 degrees since boiling water may destroy many of the antioxidants.
  • Berries – Berries have an abundance of antioxidants that can eliminate inflammation. Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries are all good choices.

The Role of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy, combined with good nutritional habits, can greatly reduce or even eliminate your pain and inflammation. The American Physical Therapy Association states that the connection between pain and nutrition is strong enough that nutritional screening is often recommended. A physical therapist can provide nutritional guidance along with creating an exercise program that targets and reduces the pain and inflammation you’ve been experiencing. A physical therapist may recommend activities such as swimming or simple stretching to increase joint flexibility and range of motion. Good nutrition along with a physical therapy treatment plan can help you manage or even eliminate chronic pain by increasing the strength in certain muscles and improving joint stability. Instead of relying on surgery or pain medication, an improved diet and a physical therapy program customized to meet your specific needs can help you live pain-free.

Long-Lasting Pain Relief Without Medication

It is no secret that pain is an annoyance that can sometimes hinder your quality of life. However, it can also be your body’s way of sending you a message. Sometimes pain can be a result of an underlying condition that you might not even know about. Medication can be used to provide short-term relief, but if you are suffering from a chronic condition, it won’t change anything in the long-term. If you are looking for a more meaningful solution to your pain, consider physical therapy. It has been proven to provide long-lasting effects and the results can be felt after just a couple of short sessions. Give Synergy Rehab and Wellness a call today for more information on our treatment services!

Chronic vs. acute pain:

The cause of acute pain can sometimes be easily determined, especially if it is the result of an automobile accident, a sport or work injury, or a surgical operation. With acute pain, the discomfort generally fades as the affected part of the body heals. However, chronic pain is a bit different. The cause of chronic pain may be more difficult to determine, and it can linger for months or even years before the reason is diagnosed and relief is found. Chronic pain may be the result of:

  • Chronic overuse injuries, such as tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Chronic pain syndromes, such as fibromyalgia, which may affect nerves and muscles.
  • Degenerative joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis, which produce chronic pain and inflammation.
  • Extended lack of use, such as a lengthy recovery period after a procedure, that can cause the affected area to feel stiff or “frozen.”
  • Areas of internal scar tissue buildup that can restrict neighboring muscles and connective tissues. 
  • General muscle weakness, due to poor posture or an unbalanced body, that can cause knots or spasms.

Modern medicine tends to turn to drugs early and often, in an effort to alleviate pain problems. Unfortunately, this approach doesn’t always work in the long run. The drugs may mute the pain while they’re in your system, but the underlying problem that’s causing the pain remains untreated. As long as that untreated condition persists, so will your long-term pain – meaning an endless cycle of drugs, pain, and then more drugs. This may force you to use more and more medication as your pain continues to linger, which can become problematic as certain drugs can come with harmful side effects and addictive chemicals.

Seeking natural treatment through physical therapy:

Physical therapy is an effective form of long-term treatment, which is something that drugs simply cannot do in the long run. Once we understand the actual origin point of your pain, we can prescribe a physical therapy regimen aimed at reducing (or, in some cases, completely correction) that functional abnormality. Our physical therapists may start by addressing your immediate discomfort with passive physical therapy techniques. These natural treatment techniques can include any combination of:

  • Hot and cold compresses to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Deep tissue massage to decrease inflammation of your internal tissues.
  • Ultrasound therapy to enhance blood flow and relax tight muscle fibers through sound waves.
  • Electrical muscle stimulation to stimulate your body’s natural painkillers (endorphins) through tiny amounts of electrical current.

Once you’re responding to passive physical therapy, our physical therapist will introduce you to an active physical therapy plan. They will prescribe exercises that address both localized pain and referred pain problems. For example, gentle stretching exercises can loosen tight, painful muscles and increase mobility in arthritic joints, while core training exercises can correct your balance and relieve chronic strain or neurological symptoms in the body.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), non-pharmaceutical pain treatment is actually preferred over pharmaceutical pain treatment, and in most cases, they even do a better job at controlling pain. Our physical therapists can help you get to the root of your problems and stop your pain at its source, without the need for harmful drugs. Call Synergy Rehab and Wellness today to schedule your appointment, and we’ll get you started on your path toward long-lasting pain relief.

How to Make Your Stress-Related Headaches Disappear

Did you know that headaches are the third most common pain complaint throughout the world? They can impact your quality of life and make it difficult to function normally. Luckily, headache relief can be found through physical therapy. Your trained physical therapist will work with you to provide pain relief from headaches, in addition to any other aches and pains you may be suffering from. In this guide, we’ll outline the different types of headaches and the causes for them, in addition to explaining how physical therapy can help. 

Different types of headaches: 

Any type of pain that occurs within the head can be referred to as a “headache.” Most headaches will resolve on their own without medical intervention; however, severe or recurrent headaches that interfere with one’s quality of life should most certainly be evaluated further. The challenge lies in identifying which type of headache you’re experiencing and then devising a treatment plan accordingly. Physical therapists are adept at diagnosing different types of headaches and can develop pain relief strategies for stress-related headaches. 

There several different types of headaches that can be treated with physical therapy. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Stress (tension) 
  • Post-traumatic 
  • Migraine or sinus
  • Caffeine
  • Hormone 
  • Exertion
  • Cluster 
  • Rebound
  • Hypertension

What are stress-related/tension headaches?

Tension headaches are some of the most commonly treated headaches by a physical therapist. They occur when the neck and scalp muscle contract or become tense, and they can happen at any age. Stress-related headaches generally start at the back of the head and progress to the top of the head and eyes, sometimes accompanied by facial pain along the jaw and cheeks. This type of discomfort has been compared to having hair pulled or wearing a very tight hat. These types of headaches can occur as a result of:

  • Increased stress
  • Poor posture
  • Neck or jaw problems
  • Fatigue
  • Arthritis
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

How physical therapy helps:

At your initial visit, your physical therapist will conduct a thorough evaluation of your physical abilities, in addition to reviewing your health history. He or she will ask you a series of questions to determine the type of headache you’re experiencing. After your physical therapist determines what type of headache you’re dealing with you’ll work together to develop a treatment plan for meeting your physical health goals.

During your first visit, you can expect to undergo some of the following:

  • Inquiries about the location of the pain, in addition to any other symptoms you are experiencing. 
  • Questions regarding previous injuries to your neck, head, jaw and/or back.
  • Measurements regarding the range of motion of your shoulders, neck, and other relevant parts of the body.
  • Examination of your posture while engaged in different activities.
  • Tests of your muscle strength and sensation.
  • Manual therapy to ascertain the mobility of joints and muscles in your neck.

A physical therapist’s mission:

While the end goal of physical therapy is pain relief, there are some important steps along the way that our physical therapist will help you with, in order to decrease pain and improve function. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Posture improvement. Your posture throughout the day greatly impacts your likelihood for pain and stress-related headaches. Our physical therapist will teach you methods of improving your posture in order to function more comfortably in your daily life.
  • Strength improvement. You’ll learn exercises to help strengthen the muscles that control your neck and upper back, in order to improve posture and increase your ability to stand or sit comfortably for longer periods of time. 
  • Neck improvement. Using manual therapy, our physical therapist will stretch the muscles in the back of your neck to relieve pain and increase movement.

Different types of physical therapy treatments

Our physical therapist may suggest any combination of specialized treatment services, including but not limited to:

  • Heat or ice compressions
  • Soft tissue mobilization
  • Muscular releases
  • Muscle energy techniques
  • Body mobilization
  • Cervical traction
  • McKenzie-based therapies
  • Stretching
  • Strengthening

With all treatment plans, you can expect to receive education that will supplement your in-office experience.

Persistent and life-altering headaches may not go away without physical therapy. To experience long-lasting pain relief and improve your quality of life, contact our office today. Our staff at Synergy Rehab & Wellness at our Verona, VA, and Waynesboro, VA location would be happy to talk with you and discuss how we can help you achieve a pain-free life. 

How to Treat Arthritis Pain Without Medication

What is arthritis?

Arthritis can sometimes serve as a bit of an umbrella term. It is used to describe over 100 different types of joint pain and joint disease experienced by millions of people. It is true that arthritis seems to favor the elderly, as it becomes more apparent in people as they age; however, it is possible for people to experience arthritis in their early middle age. 

According to a study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, it actually has a higher probability of affecting elite male athletes than the rest of the general public. It states that about 30 percent of elite male athletes who engage in contact sports will develop arthritis in the knees and hips, due to the wear and tear that the overexertion has on their joints. They are also more likely to be at risk for arthritis later in life. 

What can I do?

A common treatment for arthritis is medication, usually for pain manageability. Your physician may prescribe NSAID pain relievers, corticosteroids, antirheumatic drugs, or antibiotics for your arthritis treatment. Medication is easy – you pop it in your mouth, chase it with water, and your pain subsides shortly afterward. However, they can also cause some unfavorable side effects, and in some cases they can be habit-forming. With NSAIDs, you run the risk of blood clots, heart attack, or stroke. With corticosteroids, you run the risk of cataracts, high blood sugar levels, and bone loss. Luckily, there is a much safer and healthier alternative to treating arthritis: physical therapy. 

If you believe you may be experiencing arthritic pain, and you’re looking for relief without the harmful risk of drugs, call our office today. We’ll set you up with a physical therapist who can help you kick the meds and reduce your arthritis symptoms!

The different types of arthritis:

  • Osteoarthritis: This is the most common type of arthritis. It is caused by a reduction in joint cartilage through the “wear and tear” one experiences with age. This process of wearing down cartilage causes bones to rub together, which leads to pain and swelling. Physical therapy can often help to reduce osteoarthritis pain without medication, especially if it is diagnosed as mild-to-moderate.
  • Inflammatory Arthritis: Also referred to as Rheumatoid Arthritis, this occurs when the body’s immune system attacks joint tissues with intense inflammation. Inflammatory arthritis often has a genetic cause, and doctors usually treat it aggressively with drugs. However, depending on the severity of symptoms, physical therapy may be recommended for treatment as well.
  • Metabolic Arthritis: The most common type of metabolic arthritis is gout, a condition caused by uric acid crystals building up in the joints of the extremities, especially in the feet. This is typically a result of reduced kidney function. Physical therapy can help gout patients restore range of motion in the affected area, and it can even reduce the buildup of acidic crystals that accumulate in the joints.

How will physical therapy help me?

A physical therapist’s main goal when treating arthritis is reducing stress on the joints, increasing strength, and preserving range of motion. Some benefits to working with a physical therapist include:

  • Weight control. Your physical therapist will work with you to control your weight through exercise and diet. Controlling your weight helps to prevent added stress on weight-bearing joints.
  • Proper posture. Posture work will help to reduce stress on your joints.
  • Stretching/exercise. Light exercises and stretching will help to increase range of motion in the affected areas.
  • Rest. Your therapist will also recommend a schedule for rest and sleep to complement your exercises. This helps the body to heal and will hopefully reduce your amount of arthritic inflammation and pain.

Every treatment regimen is different based on your body’s needs and your particular type of arthritis. The best way to get started on a natural, safe, and healthy treatment through physical therapy is by calling and scheduling a consultation with one of our physical therapists today. We’ll get you feeling comfortable and pain-free after just a few short sessions! Contact Synergy Rehab & Wellness at our Verona, VA, or Waynesboro, VA location today!

5 Common Indicators that You Need Physical Therapy

Physical therapy isn’t just for rehabilitation or athletes in training. There are many reasons why a person might need the assistance of a physical therapist. Contact Synergy Rehab & Wellness at our Verona, VA, or Waynesboro, VA location! There are five basic indicators that you need to visit a physical therapist.

1. You’re Experiencing Sharp Pain

Sharp pain, especially if it’s ongoing, maybe a sign of a serious injury. It could be a pulled muscle or possibly a stress fracture. The sooner an injury is treated the more likely it will heal quickly. There is also the chance that an injury will get worse if it is not treated in a timely manner. A physical therapist can do an evaluation and get you started on a treatment program to treat the root cause of your pain. Choose PT states that a physical therapist may use a variety of methods to treat pain including manual therapy, exercise, and education. Reducing and eliminating any type of ongoing pain will enable you to more fully participate and enjoy your daily activities.

2. You Just Had Surgery

After even minor surgery, your body is struggling to heal and recover to its normal state. No matter what type of surgery you’ve just had, physical therapy can help you more quickly regain strength and flexibility. Physical therapy is especially important if you have or will spend a significant amount of time lying in a hospital bed. It’s necessary to keep muscles and joints as flexible as possible during the healing process. A physical therapist can also design a program to reduce the amount of scar tissue that forms after surgery. Physical therapy can help you return to your regular routine as quickly as possible.

3. You’re Struggling with Conditions from Repetitive Use

You may be one of millions of individuals that sit in the same position, doing the same type of work for hours at a time. Even if you’re standing and moving around, moving your body in the same way, such as always lifting or pulling items the same way, can result in a repetitive injury. Carpal tunnel or tennis elbow are common injuries that are often caused by repetitive movements. A physical therapist can teach you simple exercises to treat the condition. A therapist can also show you how to perform repetitive tasks in ways that will prevent future injuries from occurring.

4. You’re Experiencing More Injuries than Usual

If you’re increasingly pulling muscles or falling more frequently you would likely benefit from working with a physical therapist. A trained physical therapist can teach you exercises that can improve your balance and increase overall stability. You may need to learn new ways of warming up or cooling down after your favorite activities to reduce the chance of pulling a muscle or tendon.

5. You’ve Stopped Doing Things You Used to Enjoy

There may not be any specific injury or pain you’re currently experiencing, but you’ve noticed it’s more difficult to do the things you enjoy. Whether it’s due to a chronic condition such as arthritis or general wear and tear on your joints and muscles, physical therapy can help you get back to the activities you love.

Everything from injuries and surgery to repetitive use and even aging may require physical therapy to get you moving as efficiently as possible. An individualized physical therapy program can also reduce or even eliminate pain. Physical therapy can help people of all ages live healthier, more active lives. For more information contact us today!

Ached by Lower Back Pain? Stand up Straighter with Physical Therapy

Lower back pain is a sensation all too familiar to millions of people. This ache can hinder many aspects of your life: working, spending time with friends and family, partaking in the activities you enjoy, and even just relaxing. The World Health Organization estimates that in the United States, 149 million days of work are lost due to low back pain. It is the leading cause of inactivity among adults, and it can result in other health issues if left untreated. It is also extremely common, appearing in 60-70% of people across industrialized nations.

If lower back pain is plaguing your everyday life, it is important that you find relief as soon as you can. For more information on how we can help get you back to a pain-free life, call Synergy Rehab & Wellness in Staunton or Waynesboro today.

How can physical therapy help?

Physical therapists focus specifically on pain and injury to help their patients regain function, comfort, and mobility. Physical therapy treatments are used to alleviate pain, promote healing, and bring restored function and movement to the painful area. When you come in for a consultation, your physical therapist will provide you with an extensive evaluation, discovering what form of treatment will be best for whatever orthopedic, neurologic, or cardiovascular condition you are facing. 

Physical therapy also consists of two categorized types of treatments: passive physical therapy and active physical therapy:

Passive physical therapy

The purpose of passive physical therapy is to help pain become more manageable, and hopefully to alleviate it altogether. Lower back pain can be a debilitating condition, impeding your physical abilities. Because of this, physical therapists work hard to reduce pain as much as possible. Passive physical therapy can include any combination of these special treatments, as deemed fit by your physical therapist:

  • Electrical stimulation, such as TENS Units
  • Massage
  • Manual therapies
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Ultrasound
  • Dry needling
  • Heat/ice packs
  • Iontophoresis

Some of these methods are used to reduce pain and swelling, such as heat/ice packs and massage therapy. Electrical stimulation, while it sounds intimidating, is a painless treatment that delivers minuscule waves of electricity throughout your nervous system. This also helps with pain relief, and it can also help in decreasing muscle spasms, as well as encouraging your body to produce pain-relieving hormones. Hydrotherapy is an aquatic-based treatment, in which patients will perform low-intensity movements in water, thus relieving any muscle pressure they may be experiencing and allowing their joints to move freely and comfortably. These techniques are more commonly used for the treatment of lower back pain than others, although any could be prescribed based on your physical therapist’s discretion. 

Active physical therapy

The purpose of active physical therapy is to provide exercises that the patient can do on their own in the later stages of their physical therapy treatment. Once your lower back pain has subsided enough that your physical therapist believes you are ready for active physical therapy, he or she will set up an exercise schedule specific to your needs. This can include any combination of stretching, strength training, and stability training, and it is all geared toward helping you gain back your flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strength. These exercises will help provide support to the painful area and will guide you further in your recovery process. 

What will my visits look like?

At your initial consultation, your physical therapist will ask you several questions regarding your medical history, lifestyle, and painful area(s). This information will assist your physical therapist in creating the best treatment plan for you and your specific needs, so you can be provided with long-term results. 

After your consultation, your evaluation process will begin. Your physical therapist will examine you by assessing your posture, coordination, strength, balance, flexibility, blood pressure, and/or heart rate, depending on your pain and symptoms. This evaluation will be both manual and visual.

When you’ve completed your thorough evaluation, your physical therapist will then create your treatment plan, beginning with passive physical therapy and leading into active physical therapy. You may also be given exercises to do at home, during your time away from treatments. This is all done in order to reduce pain, avoid further injury, and provide you with the quickest recovery time possible. 

If you believe your lower back pain could benefit from our physical therapy services, give our office a call today to schedule your initial consultation. We’ll help you stand up to your back pain! 

Eating Right: A Simple Technique for Reducing Pain and Inflammation

Do you deal with chronic pain or inflammation in your daily life? It isn’t uncommon, but it is avoidable. While exercise is a crucial part of your physical therapy regimen, proper nutrition can also play an important role.  The foods you eat work to fuel your body and eating the right ones can help you recover much quicker from painful or uncomfortable conditions. Exercising regularly, reducing your stress intake, and keeping a strict nutritional diet all work together to help limit and alleviate your pain and inflammation. For more information on how nutrition can help you, contact Synergy Rehab & Wellness today at our Verona, VA, or Waynesboro, VA location – to schedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists. 

Why we experience inflammation:

Your immune system can naturally respond to injury, ailment, or other harm through inflammation. If you have an infection, wound, tissue damage, or buildup of toxins in your body, the immune response is triggered to deal with it. Without inflammation, injuries wouldn’t be able to heal; however, if this process goes on for too long, chronic inflammation can occur. This can lead to serious health conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, or even some cancers. If you experience persistent pain, it is wise to contact a physical therapist as soon as possible, as it may mean that the inflammation has become chronic.

Traditionally, chronic inflammation has been treated through strict rest and medication. However, a lack of exercise can actually make inflammation worse, as it constricts joints and causes muscles to stiffen. Additionally, medications come with a whole slew of side effects, some of which can be dangerous and/or habit-forming. Luckily, pain and inflammation can be treated in much easier and healthier ways – such as diet. 

Beat inflammation with a nutritional diet!

Nutritionists have had patients report great success in turning around their symptoms by adopting an anti-inflammatory diet. Inflammation is your body’s way of trying to heal, which can be accelerated through a nutritional diet that complements the removal of toxins. 

The three basic components of an anti-inflammatory diet are:

  • Lots of veggies!

Raw broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage are the best options when sustaining an anti-inflammatory diet. They can be cooked if you prefer, but raw vegetables are generally better for speeding up the inflammation process. You’ll want to eat up to nine servings per day, and you can substitute fruits for a couple of those servings to break it up, if it becomes too much. Otherwise, the timeless saying “eat your veggies,” is key.

  • Take it easy on grains and dairy.

In order to strengthen your body’s immune response, you’ll want to avoid simple carbs and sugars. Unfortunately, that means no donuts, no pastries, and no white breads. Dairy products should also be extremely limited, so very little cheese or milk with anything. Whole grains, such as barley, oats, brown rice, and wheat are best.

  • Avoid red meat altogether.

It is best to avoid red meat while participating in an anti-inflammatory diet. If this proves difficult, red meat is okay in small doses; however, it should be an extremely rare treat in your diet. The proteins in red meat require extra work from your kidneys to process, so it will slow down the healing process if you eat a lot of it. One small piece of steak, one time per week, should be your maximum limit. Luckily, chicken and fish are just fine for an anti-inflammatory diet. Enjoy them with all of those servings of vegetables!

More helpful tips:

If you stick to the diet listed above, you should see your pain and inflammation symptoms start to reduce very quickly. In addition to a nutritional diet, you can also help fight inflammation through:

  • Weight loss: If you have some unwanted weight, getting down to your ideal body weight will help with your pain and inflammation.
  • Stress management:  If you’re feeling mentally stressed, your body can become physically stressed – causing more inflammation and a longer recovery rate. Taking time to relax can actually allow you to heal quicker!
  • Daily exercise: Exercise will keep the muscles warm, which can alleviate pain or stiffness, and stop the inflammation from becoming worse.

Contact us today if you’d like to speak with a physical therapist about pain management or additional advice on how to reduce inflammation! 

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